Saturday, July 26, 2008

Journey to to A&W

It was a normal Saturday, I had a LEO installation rehearsal to attend to so I went there @ 2.30 with Manveer and JoonKeit. Sanesh and KayVin was there too. After the rehearsal, the story begins:

We were thirsty so we decided to travell to the mystical land called A&W. We travelled by foot as we are too young to ride mechanical horses. We were about to lose hope until we saw an empty flask of eternal life on the endless stairway. That gave us hope to continue. We endured through the land of metal, jumped over the cliff of no return and went past the colloseum where cannibals kick human heads towards nets made out of human muscles and testicles. We then saw a yellow sea serpent in the middle of the sea of metal. It was neutral so we just went by it

Finally, we literally saw a sign of A&W and we made it. We bought cups of eternal life. Unfortunately, i tripped on the table and dropped 2 of the cups.NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Then I bought another 2 cups of eternal life. I also bought the Bread of Meaty stuff(I owe you Man). THen, while we are eating, we heard the scream of a banshee. JoonKeit thought it was scary. The scream was so loud & long we recorded the scream. Then, we left with the help of Sanesh's transport. THE END.

If you can translate to what actually happened, I'll give you ___________________. Not valid for Sanesh, Manveer, JoonKeit, KayVin and Pingu(though he didn't come to rehearsal)

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