Tuesday, May 6, 2008

6/5/08 Another boring ol' day 7/5/08 Updated

Bored as always....Deion lost his minions but he became a Belgium with Wei Yang. The differences?

Minion Captains :
I) They capture people as their minions
II) Other captains can capture them but risks their own minions
II) Minions are like minions

Switzerlands(Switz) :
I)They fight to protect themselves
II) Switz are peaceful sissies
III) If they win, you are "killed" unless you have a soul to give him.
*kill* means they can no longer be anything.
IV) They are mutual allies with the Bells

I) People who are fighting for freedom of minions
II) When they win, the minions are liberated into Bells
III) If they lose, you get them as a minion.
IV) They are mutual allies with the Switz

1st Squad : Li Jean (promoted by Deion =.=")
Chee Yuen

2nd Squad : Guo Yao (Me)
Xian Ch'ng

3rd Squad : Wei Foung
Vishal (I think)

4th Squad : Manveer

5th Squad : Ashraff

Switz :
Joshua (The one and ONLY and shall always be a Switz)

Belgium :
Wei Yang

Anyhoow...... nothing to do now... oh well. EMO time!! Oh yea, and I gave Manveer Brandon and LiJean Victor to make it equal and for the sake of charity=D.

1 comment:

Roo the Cat! said...

I totally don't get it! But cool blog anyways XD